Saturday, June 12, 2010

memorial weekend (part2) Austin Zoo

We traveled far (45 minutes in the middle of no where) to check out Austin zoo. We had heard it was a "granola zoo." And, I can say it pretty much was. Most of the animals in the zoo seemed more like animals you would spot at a country farm,with animals such as roosters, chickens, pigs, goats, deer. There were 2 lions and one black bear, and that's about exotic as it got. In some ways though it was kind of nice. It wasn't very crowded... you can see all the attractions and leave before you're burned out....and you can feed half the animals that are there so it was very interactive. We had a good time and made some memories. :) (click on pics to view larger)
ox, jayme

1 comment:

Haylee said...

Too cute! We had some hot zoo fun last year too... ha! One of these days, when the kiddos are a bit older, we should take both of our families to one of the big zoos - San Diego, National Zoo, etc. Love you guys!